Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Career Test

I recently read blogger friends blog and she posted about this test that was found on someone else's blog. It deals with what type of person you are and what careers would best suit you. I haven't taken one of these tests since high school. It was actually kind of fun to relive the moment in high school (which by the way, I always hated taking these tests) when all I could think about was how quickly I could through the test. Back in the day, I have to admit, that I always chose the answers that I knew would yield the results that I wanted to see. :) I know probably not the best thing to do, but hey, I was in high school.

So this time it was a little bit tricky. The questions were not typical and I chose from the heart. So here are my results.

Your personality type:
Quiet, kind and conscientious. Can be depended on to follow through. Usually puts the needs of others above their own needs. Stable and practical, they value security and traditions. Well-developed sense of space and function. Rich inner world of observations about people. Extremely perceptive of other's feelings. Interested in serving others.

Careers that could fit you includes:
Interior decorators, designers, nurses, administrators, managers, secretaries, child care/early childhood development, social work, counselors, paralegals, clergy, office managers, shopkeepers, bookkeepers, homemakers, gardeners, clerical supervisors, curators, family practice physicians, health service workers, librarians, medical technologists, typists.

I have to say that it is pretty spot on. My personality type, well let's just say fits me almost perfectly. And my career choices, let's just say that wouldn't it be great to be a homemaker :) Honestly though, I think it did a great job of determining who I am as a person and what careers would make me happy. (Most of them I have thought about doing before.)

So if you're bored take this short 41 question test. Let me know how you did, either post it in my comments or on your blog. I would love to read about each of you.


1 comment:

amy (metz) walker said...

Thanks for trying was way right for me too!